145 Sponsler Road
Everett, PA. 15537
Everett Area High School Alumni Association
Alumni of EAHS
Class of 1964
Wayne Harry Akers
Barbara Lee Avey
Ricahrd Dwaine Bair
Lois Jane Barkman
Shelva Jean Barkman
Dorothy Louise Beegle
Eugene Earl Beegle
Gary Marshall Blankley
Wesley Scott Bloom
Lynn Wade Brambley
Linda Jean Bridges
Donald LaVon Bussard
Lois Elaine Bussard
Rodney Alex Bussard
William Gary Clabaugh
Carl Henry Clark
Gary Eugene Clark
Lynford Lee Clark
Robert Jackson Clark
Sandra Lee Clark
June College
Vincent Edward Conrad
Sandra Lynn Cooper
Betsy Jeanne Coote
James Ray Cordell
Judy Katherine Cornell
John Frederick Crawford, III
Joel Clyde Cunard
John Thomas Davidson
Cindra Davis
William John DeCooman
Keith Roger Dibert
Betty Ann Diehl
Benjamin James Feight
Clarence Eugene Feight
Harry Lewis Fisher
William Hayes Fluke
Gary Lee Foor
June Alvera Foor
Robert David Foor
Wayne Scott Foor
LaVonne Ilene Glunt
Daniel Snyder Grimes, III
Carol Sue Grubb
Michael Dean Harclerode
Darlene Diane Harman
Carol Ann Herr
Barbara Jean Hinish
Larry Reginald Hobbs
Sharon Lee Horton
Carol Jean Hott
Iva Edith Brambley Johnson
Guy Lewis Karns
Leo Kenneth Kifer
Terry Gaines King
Joan May Klahre
Don Charles Kline
Gary Lee Koontz
Josine Cordelia Lane
Linda Rebecca Lou Lee
Edward Floyd Lynch
Carol Ann Mallow
Sheila Jean Mallow
Mary Margaret Martin
Jeanne Karen Mauzy
Ronald Wilson May
Allen Ray McFarland
Connie Jane Mearkle
Gerald Craig Mearkle
Delmas Wayne Mellott
Michael Dennis Mellott
Irene Gladys Millin
Roger Ralph Morris
Paul Samuel Morse
John Nelson Mosholder
Donna Kay Mountain
Robert William Nelson
Larry Lee Notestine
Harley Eugene O’Neal
Sandra Yvonne Pee
Carolyn Louise Pepple
Dale Richard Pepple
Barbara Jeanne Pittman
Carol Ann Potts
Deanna Dawn Ramsey
Zella Victoria Redinger
Walter David Reed
Linda Kay Resh
Allen Eugene Rice
Nancy Ruth Rice
Bonny Jane Ritchey
Michael Wesley Robinson
Linda Lou Routt
Nancy Ellen Shaffer
Craig Calvin Shimer
Gary Lynn Sipes
Betty Louise Smith
Judith Marlene Smith
Larry Jess Smith
Mary Lou Smyers
Lesley Duane Snyder
Nancy Louise Sparks
Robert Arthur Steach
Harold Wayne Trail
Ford Richard Watkins
Michael Lee Way
Susanne Weaverling
Judith Marie Weicht
Joan Dineen Wendell
Susan Margaret White
Karen Lee Wolfe
David Lee Young