Sestercentennial Parade in Bedford on September 11, 2021

Welcome to the EAHS Alumni Association website, home of  the EAHS Alumni.
Stay up to date with events and news, connect with other alumni, share  images or contact the association.

Mission Statment

The mission of the Alumni Association is
To Promote, Recognize, and Reward Present and Future Alumni of EAHS.

Contact Us:
Contact Us
Everett Area Alumni
145 Sponsler Road
Everett, PA. 15537

Everett Area Alumni Association meets on the third Monday of every month except December.
The meetings are at the Union Hotel, dinner at 5:30 and the meeting at 6:30 PM. All alumni are invited and encouraged to attend. New people and new ideas are needed.

Special Notice
Active duty members of our Armed Forces can receive free Alumni Newsletters from the EAAA. Send your name and address by email or mail.

Everett Area Alumni
145 Sponsler Road
Everett, Pa.

About Us
© 2021 Everett Area High School Alumni Association.
All Rights Reserved.
Everett Area High School
Alumni Association

Alumni of EAHS
Everett Area High School
Alumni Association

Alumni of EAHS
Contact US:

Everett Area Alumni
145 Sponsler Road
Everett, PA. 15537


Everett Area Alumni Association meets on the third  Monday of every month except December. We are meeting at the Union Hotel.  Dinner at 5:30. Meeting at 6:30.

All alumni are invited and encouraged to attend. New people and new ideas are needed.

Special Notice

Active duty members of our Armed Forces can receive free Alumni Newsletters from the EAAA. Send your name and address by email or mail.

Everett Area Alumni
145 Sponsler Road
Everett, Pa.

Mission Statement

To Promote, Recognize, and Reward Present and Future Alumni of EAHS.


Welcome to the EAHS Alumni Association website, home of  the EAHS Alumni.
Stay up to date with events and news, connect with other alumni, share  images or contact the association.


Everett Area Alumni Association meets on the third Monday of every month except December. 
We are will be meeting at the Union Hotel in Everett. Dinner at 5:30. Meeting at 6:30.

All alumni are invited and encouraged to attend. New people and new ideas are needed.

The Alumni Association has a limited number of Everett Area High School Yearbooks for sale. Most are from the 60's, 70's and 80's. The price of $30 each includes shipping.

Home of the Warriors
Planning your Reunion
Stay Connected - Newsletters
Tee and Sweat Shirts
Order Form
Important Links
145 Sponsler Road
Everett, PA.  15537

Everett Area High School Alumni Association

Alumni of EAHS
Kevin Mearkle's Civil War Books
Click or Press Here to view information on Kevin Mearkle's New Book :
"The Underground Railroad in Bedford County Pennsylvania"